Инструкция по эксплуатации Beko CS 61110
Инструкция, Эксплуатации, Operating instructions
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Document Outline
- Уважаемый покупатель,
- Раздел 1S Меры предосторожности и важные замечания
- Б
- Установка газовых
- Раздел 5:
- Раздел 8:
- Раздел 9:
- Перфключенне на использование другого вида газа
- Транспортировка
- Транспортировка плиты
- Dear Customer,
- Part 1: Safety precautions and important items
- Part 2: Important Installation and preparation of your oven
- Part 3: Technical specifications
- Part 5:0perating the oven
- (If your cooker has a timer)
- The following functions are available on your programmable timer.
- Please note
- How to set the current time of day
- Manual cooking (or to cancel a programme)
- Note:
- Semi-automatic programming
- Automatic programming
- The stages of the function selectior knob for conventional ovens
- The stages of the function selection knob for conventional ovens
- jPart 6: Operating
- Part 8: Maintenance and cleaning
- The Ceramic Glass and Glass burner's plates cleaning:
- Part 9: Gas conversion
- Part 10:
- Future transportation